Molecular Formula : (C18H26N2O12,2H2O)
Molecular Weight : 498.4 gm / mol
Reference Pharmacopoeia : BP 2020 / EP10.0
CAS No. : 6019-06-3
Material Code : NBD
Sampling Plan : n = N
Re-Test parameter : Complete analysis
Re-Test Date : 06 Months
Sampling Quantity : 50gm
Quantity for Control sample : 30gm
Standard Pack Size : As per customer RequirementPackaging and StorageBelow 5C Temperature, Packed, in an airtight container undernitrogen and protected from light.
Precautions : At the time of sampling use proper PPE like hand glows, mask, capand specs.
Test and Specification
1. Appearance White or almost white powder
2. Solubility Soluble in water, and in ethanol (96 %)
3. Identification by IR infrared absorption spectrophotometry comparison nicotineDitartrate dihydrate CRS
4. PH 3.0 to 3.4
5. Specific opticalrotation+21.0 to +23.0
6. Sulfated ash Maximum 0.1%
7. Water 6.5% to 8.0%
8. Assay ByPotentiometer98.5 per cent to 101.5 per cent (anhydrous substance).